
We want to share our Zululand nature experiences. This site focus mostly on KZN Birding, KZN Butterflies and KZN Dragonflies. We will add a few other places in different provinces. The objective is to build up a comprehensive website of the biodiversity that can be observed at the listed sites. We are not professionals, but we love the amazing biodiversity available in Zululand.

We love visiting game reserves. It sometimes becomes boring if you do not see animals. A friend of mine introduced me to more serious birding 4 years ago. I reside in Richards Bay. It is amazing and adds a great new dimension to our game reserve and camping trips. We are busy adding birds seen at various sites and are excited about our new venture. Richard is going to add a new group, the KZN Odonata (Dragonflies). We want to expand, and also include, butterfly species. I collected butterflies when I was in high school. Now we hunt them with cameras. Each group will be added under the site blog.

Contact us if you have any queries, suggestions or you want to contribute to our website. Just browse the contact page for more detail. We will appreciate photos of rare birds sighted at the sites listed.

To view a specific site , click on the site. On this page we have written a short synopsis of the specific site, for example Bahati Caravan Park. Subpages are added below each site for example, below Bahati is “Birds Observed at Bahati” or “Dragonflies. Click on the subpage; a page will appear with thumbnails. Note, there could be more than one page on a subpage.


The name of the animal specie will appear when hovering with the mouse over the thumbnail.

To view each photo, click on a thumbnail. To scroll through the photos, click on the arrow on the right.

If you you not into birdwatching, “dragonflies” or “watching wildlife” could be another option. Start the hobby and get your family involved. You only need binoculars and a camera, (Experts told me get a 8 or 10 x 42 magnification) and to travel to the various biodiversity sites in Zululand.

This is an amazing way to appreciate God`s wonderful variety of species. According to Roberts, Richards Bay has 388 bird species; a place like Ndumo has 425 bird species, whilst the iSimangoliso Wetland Park has 492 bird species.

A great way to keep track of your birds is to download and buy a birding app. We are privileged to stay in Zululand. Get out there and start to learn and observe our wonderful, amazing variety of species. We have had amazing experiences and hope to have many many more.

Please contact if you want to contribute, give comments or chat to us. Just visit the Contact Page.

On a different note:

If you are interested in family research, visit my family website for the McCarthy`s in South Africa . (Click on link)
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